OIS-RECORDS präsentiert:
Bernie the Busdriver - I'm The Gentleman Of The Road

Veröffentlicht: 18.02.2022

EAN: 4042564221978
Catalog no.: BH001
Distribution: ALIVE
Label: LC-29171

Mitwirkende / Contributed by:
Bernie the Busdriver (Vocals, Arrangement), Fritz Rach (Programming, Guitars, Keys, Bass, Backing-Vocals, Mix, Mastering)

"I'm the Gentleman of the road "

Seit 1996 bin ich Busfahrer. Ist es die Verbindung von Ort zu Ort, oder ist es den internationalen Gästen aus aller Welt mein schönes Land in Deutschlands Süden zu zeigen.
Erlebnisse in dieser Zeit brachten mich dazu diesen Song zu schreiben.

I have been driving buses and coaches since 1996. Is it to connect village by village or is it to show internationals guests from all over the world my beautiful country in in the south of Germany. Experiences during this time made me write this song.

And so, in collaboration with OIS-RECORDS, I proudly present to you my song: "I'm the Gentleman of the road".

Promo- und Label-Kontakt:
Bernie The Busdriver c/o, Fritz Rach, OIS-Records, Buchenstr. 11, DE-94342 Straßkirchen
+49 (0) 9424 / 94990-0 - mail@ois-records.de - www.ois-records.de